jesuisfort's 77 BUDDIES:
Let's go les gars, on a pas de temps à perdre.
My adventures are one and one maybe best!
change your tagline
Creating again in 2023
Somehow managing Most Popular New every few weeks
Creativity is a form of Madness...
My main Spore account is "Rebecca1208" :)
In cyberspace, no-one can hear you scream.
Discord for GA at https://discord.gg/7zmvrFU
Adventure is out there!
Predicting the new starters years ago
Art lives longer than humans do. Make more art
COLLEGE! is killing me~ Coming back soon my buddys
Shroomicone, answer to all Emitcone problems!
Make Alien adventures with my creations!
Have a Coke and a Smile!
Is currently using another account.
It was fun
change my tagline?
Out Of The Office. Use what you want!
Spode's in his heaven. All's right with the galaxy
Einzugestehen dass man etwas nicht weiß ist Wissen
new comp soon, maybe some new stuff too, who knows
Sanity is overrated.
You can't kill me... I'm already dead
Want a fun adventure or cool creation? come to me.
Don't miss my old account - "Meemo" for more!
A complete fool
You never know where you stand with a cactus.
Spore is my favorite game, I play it all day long,
The lady who makes realistic animals..& stuff!
je suis LE pigeon!
Yearly winner of the JD Power Award
Think both outside and inside the box.
Hosting the SPOSCARS in the adventure section!
Goodbye Spore, I will miss you...
I suffer from Temporal Fanatica
Thats tha game!
Suomi Rulettaa
New project in progress, could take a few months
Still Here Surprisingly
Please direct comments to my new account: -ebor-
Your idiot is in another forum
its broken again......='[
You guys can use my stuff in your adventures =)
I am back!
Never Knows Best
Always keep creating
Feel free to use my creations, just credit me!